AIIMS Recruitment 2020 Walk-in-Interview Notification for DTC Medical Officer

Under the Drug Treatment Centre (DTC) under the Drug De-Addiction Program (DDAP) of AIIMS Rishikesh, the vacancies of Medical Officers have been released. The number of job vacancies is 1. The following vacancies of Drug Treatment Centre (DTC) under the Drug De-Addiction Program (DDAP), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India are to be filled on a provisional basis. The date of opening is 06-01-2020 and the last date for the application is 07-02-2020.
The essential qualifications required for these walk-in-interview positions are Minimum MBBS Qualification with Uttarakhand Medical Council Registration. The experience required is working with persons with substance use disorders. The approx salary per month for this post is minimum INR 45,000 as per the DTC scheme document.
The job profile for this position is:
Working under the overall supervision of the nodal officer of the DTC.
Providing assessment, diagnostic services, and management to the patients.
Providing comprehensive psycho social management.
Liaison with other specialties.
Maintaining adequate medical records.
Any other related responsibility as may be considered necessary by nodal officer.
The candidate may have to undertake training by the National/nodal Centre from time to time.
- Interested candidates are requested to submit their application in the duly prescribed format (Annexure I) by mailing it to latest by 07.02.2020 with the heading ‘Application for DTC Medical Officer Recruitment’. Applicants are sternly advised to apply with this heading simply.
- The candidates called for interview will be intimated by mail only. The decision of the selection committee at AIIMS Rishikesh will be considered final in this regard.
- No traveling or other allowances will be paid to the candidate for interview/joining for the post.
- The appointment is purely temporary on contract basis for 12 months from the date of commencement of the contract and can be terminated by giving one month notice from either side.
- Work and conduct will be reviewed from time to time and if not found satisfactory/suitable, shall be terminated immediately without any notice.
- This appointment will not vest any right to claim by the candidate for regular appointment or permanent absorption in institute or for a continued contractual appointment which may be renewed or terminated as stated by policy/rule/need of Institute.
- Experience, as asked for, should have been acquired after obtaining minimum essential qualification.
- Qualification, experience, other terms, and conditions may be relaxed or altered at the judgment of the Nodal Officer.
- No other allowance/ facilities other than consolidated salary shall be admissible.
- The selected candidates shall be an employee of Drug Treatment Centre, AIIMS Rishikesh. The administrative part shall be looked after by the Nodal officer of DTC at AIIMS Rishikesh and these posts are funded by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
- Submission of false information during the course of selection shall debar the candidature at any stage.
- The appointee may be relieved from the current job position, with one-month prior notice from either party, failing to do so may be held responsible for paying one month’s salary.
- Private practice of any form including laboratory and consultant practices is prohibited.