Bihar Board 12th Model Paper Pdf Download (2023)

Bihar Board 12th Model Paper Pdf Download
BSEB (Bihar School Examination Board) has released Bihar Board class 12th model papers for all streams. It includes Arts, Science, and Commerce model papers. Students preparing for Bihar Intermediate exams must practice BSEB 12th model papers to get familiar with the exam pattern, marking scheme and the different kinds of questions.
Moreover, solving these Bihar Board class 12th model papers within the specified time assists in enhancing the problem-solving rate. Therefore, it will help the students of arts or commerce or science stream to learn time management and to get prepare for the real exams.
Bihar Board 12th exams are programmed to be held from February 3th to February 13th, 2020. Students can download the subject-wise Bihar 12th model papers Pdf from links given below.
Bihar Board 12th Model Paper Pdf Download 2023
How to download Bihar Board 12th Model Papers Pdf Online?
Students may pursue the directions mentioned below to consider and download the model papers of BSEB 12th board:
The subject-wise Bihar Board 12th model papers download links are listed below.
You have to click on the link and a new page will open.
Now enter the asked details and hit on the download button
The BSEB 12th model papers Pdf file will start downloading.
Once the model papers are downloaded, start practicing the sample paper for improved exam preparation.
How is the Bihar Board 12th Model Papers Pdf useful?
The model papers of BSEB 12th provide numerous benefits. They give a fair impression of exam pattern and marking scheme followed in the Bihar 12th exam.
While answering the model papers, students can work out their strategies for solving it. They can arrange which questions to answer first.
What’s more, these model papers can be downloaded as many times as one wants for flawless practice.
Students can learn managing time while answering the BSEB model papers within the set schedule.
Solving the Bihar 12th model question papers helps in increasing the calculation speed.
BSEB 12th Exam Pattern
According to the exam pattern for Bihar Board 12th, the question paper will consist of 50 percent Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).
To answer these MCQs, students will be given OMR sheets. Subjects with both theory and practical contain 35 MCQs in theory paper.
The music paper is of 30 marks, out of which 14 marks are assigned to 14 MCQs.
The Vocational papers are of 100 marks.
Bihar intermediate exam is of total of 500 marks and students have to secure 33% to pass the exam.