Bit.Ly/pen-Garut – National Economic Recovery Program (PEN)

Bit. Ly/pen-Garut – What is the PEN program and what all benefits are being taken to continue the program? There are answers that one will be to take through this blog.
Do you know there are many varieties of each and everything that we see in the present world? Well, the answer is YES. You do not know how much trend has been set up and you may have a lot many options to know as well.
If we go around the world we can see many of those that we are unable to see at our nearest. Bit.Ly/pen-Garut
So there are options to make that happen.
There are options and varieties that are seen and hence there can be things explored about them as well.
Bit. Ly/pen-Garut is one of those choices that is want to know about. There is an initiative that is being taken.
The Garut residency cooperation’s and MSME officer is one of the facilitators who wishes to apply for the national Economic Recovery (PEN) program that is being channeled through the minister and SME’s in the grant of Rp 2.4 million.
Ultra and micro-business are willing to queue in front of the Garut regency cooperation with one of their respective PEN application.
While being in the queues, there are also PEN activities that are being done Kasi who is the head of the section said that all the micro and ultra-micro entrepreneurs in Garut regency can apply both online and offline.
All About PEN
It is being devoted to ultra-micro and all the micro-enterprise. You can apply online while going to the website and by registering then you can take the benefit of.
For the one who does not understand what PEN is all about then, there has been an education provided by PEN.
There has been counseling that has been made to make awareness, it is said by Yadi the head of the section.
The application has been reached 19,300 it is as of August 27, 2020, said to Regency Cooperatives & MSMEs Office.
Those who have applied for PEN in Garut are being 19,300 it is being the plus point those who have submitted and for those who have not done yet need to pay attention.
There have been rules set by the secretary that mainly focus on the selection process and verification from the ministry.
We are one of the facilitators of the submission said by the ministry. The one who carries out the verification and the selection process.
In a bid to make the recovery process for the severely hit people in regards to public and economic sectors.
The government has set to make a new recovery program that will be a beneficial point for the people.
There are modalities and expenditure that needs to be taken care and is one of the budget instrument to support national economic recovery.
This will help to make things easier and will be a state that will make the economy rate to be balanced.
This can be done online and offline for organizations and hence it is a must that needs to be done. As there are thousands of applicants received and looking forward to making more into the same.