Engineering Journal-The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering

The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (AJSE) (ISSN 1319-8025) is an investigation journal covering Science and Engineering subjects appropriated since 1975 by King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (AJSE) distributes eight issues of thorough and unique commitments in the Science controls of Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences, and in the Mathematical and Statistical Science disciplines, alongside the Engineering orders of Chemical, Civil, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical, Mechanical, Petroleum, and Systems Engineering.
Original copies must be submitted in the English language and writers must guarantee that the article has not been distributed or submitted for production somewhere else in any organization and that there are no moral worries with the substance or information assortment. The creators warrant that the data submitted isn’t excess and regards general rules of morals in distributing. All papers are assessed by in any event two universal arbitrators, who are known researchers in their fields.
KFUPM united with Springer to disperse the Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (AJSE), an ISI journal. AJSE, which was conveyed by KFUPM since 1975, is an apparent national, common and worldwide journal that gives an uncommon opportunity to the dispersal of research drives from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, MENA, and the world. AJSE circulates eight issues of intensive and novel duties in the Engineering (AJSE-Engineering) and Science (AJSE-Science) disciplines. The creation of Theme/Special Issues on unequivocal focuses is also considered.
The AJSE is separated/recorded in Science Citation Index Expanded (ISI Citation Databases), Ulrich’s Periodical Directory, Scopus, DOAJ, MathSciNet, Zentralblatt Math, Chemical Abstracts, INIS Atomindex, Current Contents, GeoRef, AskIEEE, among others. Similarly, AJSE is coursed to University Libraries and various endorsers around the globe.
Unique duplicates must be submitted in the English language free of the neighborhood language of the author(s). Every single unique duplicate is considered for overview subject to the author(s)’ made an undertaking that they have not been and won’t be disseminated elsewhere in any game plan and that there are no ethical stresses with the substance of the arrangements or data grouping.
The author(s) warrant that the information submitted isn’t dull and respects the general guidelines of ethics in dispersing. All papers are evaluated by at any rate two worldwide mediators, who are known analysts in their fields.
Every unique duplicate is peer-reviewed going before generation by at any rate two refs, who are known analysts in their fields the world over. AJSE doesn’t reveal the characters of the investigators to the author(s).
AJSE is accessible on the site:
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