Online Exams Taking Software : Benefits and Safety

Online Exams Taking Software

The study is the most important part of everyone’s life and nowadays it’s a need for every child. Our country is developing day by day and daily we see that new software is developing.

With the development of the software, it is now easy to go with the development.

Because of the situation of covid-19, it is a difficult task to take the examination online and it is not an easy task to take an examination online and put up the same strictness as same as teachers do in the examination hall.

Proctoring means supervising or monitoring the examination that is given by a student online. Proctor is a person who is appointed to do this task by staying available all the time till the exam ends. 

With the advancement in technology, it has given an upliftment in this process as well. It is now helpful to the teachers, exam takers with the advancement in this technology and this software development.

Online exam providers software is now used by every institute, company, or other recruitment processes for the best grading, recruitment, and campus placements.

Online examination software changed the overall criteria of the traditional examination. Every institute is taking help from this online examination software so that every student gets the best grades he deserves. 

There are particular features that a teacher looks for in the software that are as follows:

  • This software provides an opportunity to the institutes that they can take the examination on a large-scale. So that there can’t be any difficulty in this process. Also, they help in taking every type of examination that is a mid-term examination, semester, or high level. But in all this, only the need is of bets quality internet connection.
  • This software provides helps teachers by giving questionnaires to make question paper or also provide space to upload his\her own questions in the question paper.
  • This software provides the option to choose from a host to the question type. There are two types of question types that a person should provide in the exam that is MCQ type or application-based questions. In MCQ types, optional questions are there but application-based questions are either in written form or in voice recording form.
  • This software provides proper weightage to every part of the exam. They provide different sections in the question paper that are assigned with grades accordingly.
  • To go to a different location to be present for an examination is the most difficult situation because not everyone can go for an exam. So this software provides help to the conductor that the proper accessibility of the internet and computer can help in taking exams anywhere at any time.
  • The people who are new to this software can take help from the website provider or internet accessibility. Every step was explained on the website in full detail and one can easily log in to it.
  • Make sure that you are using the software with the feature of anti-cheating. In this feature, no one can log in again to the website when once the test is finished by him. The tests can be manually proctored where the invigilator can see the candidates in a test window and interact with them virtually.
  • Multi-language support for this access is needed because people who are giving examination are from different places so that they can easily answer the questions.
  • An online examination needs only internet access and there is no need for a particular place. The candidate only needs a computer and the internet to give the exam.  

The following are the welfares of using an agenting system to conduct online exams:

  • Yes, it is right, exams will be taken live. The agenting system will help in recording the exam and then a review of the exam. Students shall be monitored live through their cameras. These cameras also take a scan of the room or place the students. After recording the whole exam session, invigilators shall be able to monitor the recorded session and assess if any cheating activity has been done by the candidates or not. The main advantage behind it is it shall provide justice and fairness for the intelligent students who do not believe in cheating.
  • In online exams, there are many chances that someone else can appear in the exams on the behalf of the student who has expert knowledge. Through this system, it has been made possible to verify the student and his or her identity through the webcam scan. This system also lets the webcam to scan the room or place of the student. The students are kept under an eye through live proctor from the time they log in to take their exams. The invigilator shall be able to hear and watch the students during the exam.

Earlier, the students reach from far away to give entrance exams and get tired and are not able to give exam effectively. Hence, online proctoring helps to save the candidate’s time and money. 

To maintain the exam integrity and prevent anti-cheating measures the online proctoring or agenting is necessary. Considering the current situation, offline exams are not possible. So, online proctoring is the best and the only option for conducting exams.

Proctoring services provide a variety of options and types of online proctoring and provide the flexibility to the examiners for conducting the exam as they required. They have the choice of customization they can choose any features they require. 

As discussed above, due to lockdown it is important to start e-learning or online classes effectively. So that students and teachers don’t feel that their time is getting wasted. No doubt it needs a high-speed network to avoid interruptions.

The only goal should be that students get the maximum of it and none of their efforts got wasted. As we see online exam tools are very helpful for students as well as to the teachers and there is a full need for this software so that no one can take place of any deserving candidate.


Abu Obaida

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