AutoCertificazione Coronavirus Pdf Download: Mandatory Self-Certification Form in Italy

AutoCertificazione Coronavirus Pdf – The Ministry of the Interior in Italy has updated a self-declaration form in Pdf format. This form is mandatory for those traveling for work or other situations of need. This form can be downloaded, filled in, and printed online.
It is compulsory to fill in this self-declaration form and submitting it to the competent authorities. This form is essential for the implementation of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 9 March 2020 which aims to contain the coronavirus Covid-19. This decree is laid down to ban movements and the orange zone in the whole national territory.
To contain the pandemic Covid-19, it is obligatory to fill this new self-certification form if there is a need to travel for work. This form can be easily printed and can be carried during movements in the region as needed by the “Io Resto a Casa” decree. Travel is permitted for verified reasons.
Consequently, to deal with coronavirus Covid-19, pointless movements will be banned all over Italy except you fall into one of the subsequent 4 cases:
Verified working needs
Health grounds
Situations of obligation
Going back to your home or residence
You can download the self-declaration form in Pdf file. There you have to justify your travel and express your movement permit.
How to Fill in the Coronavirus Self-Certification Form?
The collection of the coronavirus self-declaration format in Pdf layout is simple to download. Simply, specify your personal information like name, surname, date of birth, and place of residence and the reasons for your travel. The form has to be filled in by hands and signed to be legitimate.
When this Coronavirus Self-Certification Form is Necessary?
The coronavirus self-certification form is essential for all travel either by car or on foot. This form must contain the following points: reasons for your travel as pointed out in the above 4 cases of permitted movements. The traveling covers like going on newsstands to purchase newspapers and magazines, going to the tobacconist, and all other work requirements.
This self-declaration form can also be completed instantly. Therefore, it is recommended to take several print outs of the form. Printed copies of the form must be in white and you must always bring them with you inside the tow or in the car.
What are the Consequences without the Self-Certification Form?
Those who will travel without justified reasons have to bear heavy penalties. The “I stay at home” decree declares that disobedience (movement without detailed reasons and self-certification form) is punished with arrest for up to 3 months and a penalty up to 206 Euros.
More severe fines are for those who adopt behavior like fleeing from quarantine for the positive and committing negligent crime against public health. Thus, it is recommended to always carry a copy of the self-certification form in Italy.
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