Cek Corona Di Jabar Kunjungi Situs PikobarJabarProvGoID: Catch all the Latest Info Related to Covid-19 in West Java

West Java’s Provincial Government (Pemprov) offers via its public relations page reports information associated with the reach of the coronavirus inside the West Java region.
You can get entry to these records on the official website: http://humas.Jabarprov.Go.id/. The statistics provided are related to the coronavirus in West Java. The details are displayed along with the Incidence Rate, Patients under Monitoring (PDP), and People under Monitoring (ODP).
In the Event Figures data, there are records on Recovered, Active, and Death Cases. The information informs figures in West Java and within the National.
The blue dot indicates ODP (Insider Oversight), the yellow shade refers to PDP (Patient under Supervision), and the red color indicates positive Covid-19 cases.
These points, while clicked, will bring up statistics related to age, status, village, sub-district and district/city.
Complementing the interactive map, the West Java Pikobar portal also shows other statistics, namely a list of referral hospitals within the West Java area and infographic related to Covid-19.
There is also info about the overall questions about Covid-19 that have been responded to on the hotline connection, whether on phone or through text messages.
People in West Java can now obtain data regarding the development and containment of the coronavirus via the pikobar.javarprov.go.id site.
The site’s latest information dated 15 March mentions 8 patients were corona positive. There are 785 cases in Insider Monitoring (ODP) and 83 Cases in Patient under Supervision (PDP).
West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil said in his Instagram post that this interactive digital map has not been fully updated. Besides, this interactive information will be available at 21:00 on the website.
Ridwan Kamil stated that this record may be used as a factor for village/city village leaders, sub-district heads to regents/mayors to carry out reasonable expectancy and instruction.
He also said that this information can be used by citizens to be positive on the way to remind every person to shield themselves and decrease social interaction within the red and yellow zones, without extra social reactions.
The latest updates, until Sunday (15/3/2020) at 17:00 WIB, the range of positive Covid-19 cases increased to 10. 2 have died who were citizens of Cianjur Regency and citizens of Bekasi Regency.
Ridwan Kamil, as stated on Monday (16/3/2020) that as of this afternoon (Sunday, 15/3/20) records on incoming figures that 10 individuals are tested positive Covid-19 in West Java.