Dasoha Karnataka Gov.In: Online School Attendance Tracking System

The Dasoha scheme was launched by the State Government of Karnataka. This scheme was introduced with the purpose attainment of the universalization of primary education with an improvement in enrolment, attendance, and retention.
The children in the age group 6 to 14 are covered under the Universalisation of primary education. The main objective of the scheme is to improve the nutritional condition of children. It was proposed to provide Vitamin A tablets once in 6 months to the children to achieve this objective.
This scheme offers Iron and folic acid tablets for 36 weeks at the rate of three tablets a week for the children. It also provides Deworming tablets at the rate of 2 tablets once in six months. These medicines are procured by the Director, Department of Health and Family Welfare. Later, it will be supplied to the ZPs to promote distribution.
To enhance the universalization of education and at the same time improve the nourishment of students in primary classes, the Government of India (GOI) initiated in August 1995- the National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education (NPNSPE) as a centrally funded scheme.
Under this program, all those students who had an attendance of 80 percent were provided dry food grains like rice and wheat at 3 kilograms per student per month. The students in class I to V are covered under this.
Thus, the State Government in Karnataka introduced the Akshara Dasoha Scheme or Mid-day Meal (MDM) Scheme in seven districts of the state in June 2002 by integrating the centrally funded scheme.
In July 2003, the scheme was expanded to the entire State. The program initially covered children studying in classes I to V in government and local bodies’ schools. The scheme was offered to students studying in Aided Schools in September 2004 and Class VI and VII in October 2004.
Main Goals of the Dasoha scheme
The Dasoha scheme aims to:
It intends to improve enrolment and attendance.
It prevents drop-outs, and
It also improves diet and learning levels in children.
Dasoha Scheme Review Objectives
The performance review of the Dasoha scheme is conducted to validate:
To examine the impact of the scheme on enrolment, attendance, and retention of children in schools
Nutritional levels assessment in students
Check its impact on learning levels
The actions taken were in place for execution of the Dasoha program usefully and economically
To check whether the monitoring system is successful.
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