MDM Report Jharkhand Gov.In 2019: Monitor Progress of Mid Day Meal Scheme

The Government of India launched the National Programme for Nutritional Support to Primary education on 15 August 1995. This program emphasizes that 3 kilograms of rice will be provided to each child per month for 10 months in a year.
Thus, this same scheme was applied by the Government of Jharkhand from class I to V in the state. In 2001, the honorable Supreme Court gave a direction of providing a cooked meal to children. As a result, the Jharkhand State Government launched the MDM (Midday Meal) to all primary school children in government, local body, and government-aided schools.
This Mid Day Meal Programme was later extended to the children registered under the EGS (Education Guarantee Scheme), Madarsa or Makhtab, and AIE (Alternative & Innovative Education) centers.
The MDM Report Jharkhand Gov.In 2019 is an SMS enabled Mid-Day Meal Monitoring System to track the progress of the MDM scheme in Jharkhand state.
Main Objectives:
The tracking of the MDM will help in the correct delivery of the mid-day meals in the schools. It will help in knowing the ambiguities of this scheme. It will enhance transparency in the scheme as it offers a central monitoring system.
This online scrutiny system will assist in tracking and monitoring of the mid-day meal scheme efficiently and track the uneven distribution of food.
It will also help in stock management. The inventory will be maintained based on the consumption of the meal.
Key Points of the Scheme
It is an SMS enabled Mid Day Meal examining the application.
It is online monitoring of the distribution of Mid Day Meal in schools. The monitoring can be done through the Mid Day Meal portal.
It also provides an attendance report of students online.
It provides stock and cooking cost management.
SMS Process under MDM Report Jharkhand Gov.In
It presents a school SMS system in the state of Jharkhand. The schools will send SMS to 51969 from the registered mobile number.
Next, the SMS gateway will call the MDMR web service. It will generate plain text files of received SMS at a local server.
MDM scheduler is operating every minute will administer the text file. It will insert records in the database and then it will be provided on the portal.
MDM Monitoring Portal-Jharkhand
The MDM monitoring portal is
Main Highlights
This online MDM tracker is easy to use as minimal user training is required.
It is an instant online reporting system and stock management.
It is highly flexible as message factors need to be updated only.
It is a cost-effective application as minimal SMS cost is included.