Praja Sadhikara Survey App – Bye The Andhra Pardesh Government

Praja Sadhikara Survey App
The Praja Sadhikara Survey has been conducted by the Andhra Pradesh Government. The app for this survey has also been launched.
The Praja Sadhikara Survey app is also known as the Smart Pulse Survey which is a considerable survey of all households that aims to summarize the required socio-economic data precisely in a digital way with online conformity.
The field assessors can enter the data by opening the related portal through a connected tablet so that the records are validated online and the possibility for mistakes is curtailed.
The consolidation and examination of data can be concluded within 2 weeks of the end of the field survey.
Praja Sadhikara Survey App
The objectives of the planned Praja Sadhikara Survey are summed up below:
To complete the seeding of Aadhar in the databases of identified developmental.
To ensure the correctness of the data already seeded with Aadhar.
To ensure the demographic data of any person is identified in the SRDH.
To eliminate duplicated records.
To delete the records of persons who have expired.
To create a uniform set of records in the form of Andhra Pradesh State Socio-Economic and Welfare departments.
The basic objective of the survey is to generate the People Hub as a Sole Source of Truth. This cannot be accomplished unless all the related databases mentioned earlier are made to unite and interoperate flawlessly, within a short period to make sure the harmonization of the different datasets.
The conduct of the Praja Sadhikara Survey serves as an effective way of ensuring that the Government schemes will reach the beneficiary people by collecting the individual data. This survey is officially named as Praja Sadhikara Survey. Andhra Pradesh Smart Pulse survey collects the details of all citizens in Andhra Pradesh.
Every citizen of Andhra Pradesh has to partake in this Andhra Pradesh Integrated family survey. When the officers asked, they have to submit proofs. AP Govt has also launched an official website- for this Praja Sadhikara survey to provide up to date status and the process going on to all people.
Documents required for Andhra Pradesh Praja Sadhikara Survey
Aadhar card, Ration card, Voter id, Property tax, Electricity bill, Driving license, Vehicle registration car, Gas book, Bank account book, Physically handicapped certificate, Water bill, Caste certificate, Income certificate, Kisan card, Pinchan document proof, Employment exchanges job card, Dwarka holder card, Birth certificate, and Scholarship details.