Vem Är Tv Profilen I Tylösand- Who Is The TV Profile In Tylösand

Vem Är Tv Profilen I Tylösand

Vem Är Tv Profilen I Tylösand

Vem Är Tv Profilen I Tylösand – Incidents can take place anytime, it can anything that could be something that cannot be determined.

The tv profile is stopped after suspected abuse.

“We have chosen, in counsel with the profile, that the profile doesn’t remark on any communicates up until this point,” Ludvig Ternstedt composes on TV4 sports in an instant message to Expressen

“The occurrence occurred on Friday night at Bettans Bar in Tylösand. A TV profile and the run driver Josefine Ivehag more likely than not finished in a debate that raised.

– I was beaten. First I was hit with a palm in my face, at that point I pivoted and afterward, I got a barstool directly in my mind. I was fantastically stunned, “Josefine Ivehag told Sportbladet.

A few observers saw what occurred.

” It went so damn quick, it coincidentally fronted of me. I conversed with a companion in the line for the latrine and afterward, I saw Josefin go down the slope and heard some glass broke. At that point I perceived how the TV profile bounced from the scene, says an observer. ”

Navigate cousin Josefine Ivehag, 33, says she was assaulted by the TV4 profile at Bettan’s bar at Hotel Tylösand outside Halmstad at 21.30 on Friday night.

– from the beginning, I was hit with a clench hand to the face, says Josefine Ivehag and proceeds:

– Then I got a barstool directly in my mind.

As indicated by Josefine Ivehag, the two had a question previously, which she told Expressen.

– There is no safeguard … whatever we discussed previously, says Josefine Ivehag.

An observer who met Josefine Ivehag later at night portrays the run driver as having no physical, however.

“There didn’t appear to be anything amiss with her, she kept on celebrating during the night,” the observer says. Police affirm to Expressen that a report of misuse was gotten from Bettan’s bar at Hotel Tylösand at 21.30 on Friday evening.

“There has been misuse, we have been there and taken up a report,” says Ann-Christin Löfstrand, a cop in the West Region police. Vem Är Tv Profilen I Tylösand

Expressen has been in contact with the TV profile who wouldn’t like to remark.

The TV profile was dealt with by police after the TV profile first, as per declaration, attempted to flee from the scene.

Presently plainly the TV profile, until further notification, is suspended from its TV channel.

It was at Bettans Bar in Tylösand during the previous night that the occurrence being referred to more likely than not happened. This is after a contest between the TV profile and the jog driver and mountain dweller Josefine Ivehag, 33.

This could make up things or break up so one should be aware of all the necessity and make sure they are living in safe environment.

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