Vision IAS PT 365 for 2020 Pdf Download

As we all recognize UPSC is the Union Public Service Commission. It specifically refers to the posts of Indian Administrative Services (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS) and Indian Revenue Services (IRS), and different government exams.
Current affairs hold an important position in any competitive examination. The contemporary affair as a subject turns into more important when you are going to appear in the IAS examination.
Civil Service Exam consists of 3 Steps which can be as follows:
Step 1 – Preliminary Test
Step 2– Main Exam
Step 3– Personality test/Interview
Current affairs are that information that is popular than the others and one needs to understand to get familiar with the current happenings, both national and worldwide. Media is the body that performs an important function so that every one of the countries stays up to date about the happenings around them.
We must recognize that all news affects us, can be immediately or obliquely and so it is very crucial to stay updated on subjects of public significance.
Current affairs also play an essential role for the students while they prepare for the IAS and other exams. And why only competitive exams, even exams conducted for jobs and Interviews also contain questions on the latest happenings. This simply tells the significance of recent news in the students’ life.
Apart from academic knowledge, students need to be aware of the current affairs as mostly the government jobs related interviews emphasize on the level of the familiarity of the candidate with the events taking place in the country and globally.
Civil service exams are the most difficult examination where many young people aspire to pass the exam. For that, it is important to know about the current happenings. It is a trend in the IAS pre-exam that most of the questions are asked from current affairs.
So, to beat other contenders in the IAS examination, an IAS aspirant needs to focus not only on academic subjects but also on the current happenings.
Importance of the Vision IAS PT 365 2020 Pdf
It covers all the current happenings in India and around the world of one year.
It covers all subjects like polity, history, culture, etc.
It has been designed for UPSC CSE Prelims.
It can be covered completely in 15 days.
It is easy to understand.
Sufficient factual data for prelims is included.
It is the most trusted study material by many toppers.
Complete coverage of The Hindu, Indian Express, PIB, Economic Times, Yojana, Economic Survey, Budget, India Year Book, RSTV, and so on.