Manjar Caste in Punjab

Manjar Caste in Punjab – Caste discrimination is uncontrolled in Punjab although Sikhism promotes equality. There are discrete spots of worship and incineration reasons for Dalits in many towns.
They may enter gurdwaras implied for Jat Sikhs to offer prayers. Yet, they can’t join different worshippers in the langar which is a networked kitchen where fundamental suppers are prepared and served for admirers.
Dalits are additionally not permitted to touch vessels utilized for religious functions at these gurdwaras.
In any case, the pandemic seems to have worn out these caste practices. Though this is for some time but can be noticed across Sangrur, Mansa and Faridkot locale.
In a few towns, Jat Sikh gurdwaras are sending langar to Dalit homes. However, all assemblages, including religious, have been prohibited during the lockdown.
The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC), a Sikh body that deals with the gurdwaras, has asked that the langar be served to needy Dalits.
“The rule of Sikhism, ‘Sarbat da bhala (government assistance of all)’, is being satisfied presently,” said Paramjit Khalsa, an individual from SGPC, Barnala locale in southern Punjab.
“All gurdwaras are serving poor people. The SGPC has requested that everybody join and donate so that no needy remain hungry.”
Food is being cooked at a gurdwara in Qila Nau town in Punjab’s Faridkot region. Across rural regions, gurdwaras are taking care of Dalit families hit by the lockdown in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
This incorporates gurdwaras run by Jat Sikhs where Dalit are normally permitted constrained privileges of worship.
Covid-19 has had the option to wear out hundreds of year’s old social partitions dependent on standing, said Mahi Pal, the state account secretary of Dehati Mazdoor Sabha that works for Dalit laborers in Punjab.
“Discrimination, malnourishment, and poverty are issues we have been battling for a considerable length of time,” said Pal, himself a Brahmin the main figure in Punjab’s Dalit protests.
Gurdwaras will in general be appointed to certain castes among Sikhs. Mazhabis, the numerically most grounded among SC Sikhs, have their gurdwaras as do the Ravidassia Sikhs, another SC gathering.
Ramgarhias is a subgroup among Other Backward Classes. They also have their gurdwaras in certain pieces of Punjab.
Help is pouring in from abroad, with NRIs, generally, Jats, sending cash for proportions, said the village headman. The food is prepared in the gurdwaras and served to the Dalits two times per day including rice, chapattis, and vegetables.
Upper-rank locals are sympathetic, less tough about caste divisions. They are increasingly liberal to the Dalits, said Daljit Singh, 40, an occupant of Hirewala town in the Mansa area in southern Punjab adjoining Haryana.
He said we are getting help from the neighborhood gurdwara as well as from wealthy upper-position families. He wishes that this accord proceeds considerably after the illness is finished.
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