Funbites Net Worth 2020 By Bobbie Rhoads To Make Eating Habit Of Kids With More Fun
Funbites Net Worth 2020 By Bobbie Rhoads – The invention behind the fun bites that is a colorful kitchen tool is known to be Bobbie Rhoads.
It is used to cut the food into some fun and in an interesting way the food of kids. Also, the sizes are bit thin and in trending way. Funbites Net Worth 2020
No doubt kids love to eat and look at the food that is in good condition with all decorations, color and sliced accurately. Funbites Net Worth 2020
While playing they tend to consume food and this is what makes them take the proper nourishment and on time.
It was in 2015, that Bobbie pitched this product to shark tanks.
It was then seen that the product was able to make the sale of $150,000 in the product in the year.
Also, the former marketing executive of Revlon made a deal and agreed to invest in this product. Later it was Greiner who invested $75k to take almost 25 percent of the equity stake in Fun bites.
Since this product appeared to be on QVC and appeared to be Australia.
It is also available over the website.
The Story Behind Fun Bites
The idea that came to the mind of Bobbie as he is having children age 11 and 7 years old and they are very picky when it comes to eating.
To make them feed nourished and healthy food she often invests his time to make the slices of the food into thin and creative and this is what made him consume his time.
Later she decided to take a step that could help her to make and cut food into interesting so that children can love while eating.
The product then invented by her known as Fun Bites, it came into notices at the point when there was a local fare running and people liked them.
Reaching To Shark Tank
It was the time when Bobbie walked towards them and asked for $75,000 in exchange for 20 percent of stake.
She also claimed that Fun bits could add fun while eating and also it can make kids be involved with more fun and love in eating.
She also said that there are many children who are involved and are picky when it comes to eating.
It was then many large companies have although tried to make things easier and involved in making colorful and fun shaped food..
Shark tank has already made their researches and they claimed that children are more involved in eating fun-shaped food.
And they would think it could be interesting to invest in such a product.
Sale Done By Fun Bites
The team of shark tank asked Bobbie how many sales did this product managed to make and she told that in the last three years $400,000 sale and in the last one year it was $150,000
Availability Of Product
The product is available in the United States, Canada, Singapore as well as in India.
You can make a purchase through some of the best online platforms that include Amazon, Luna Bella Boutique, Nordstroms
Fun bites are one of those products that allows children to make their eating patterns more healthy and fun.
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