Latif Kryeziu Wikipedia – AL Petrol

Latif Kryeziu Wikipedia
Latif Kryeziu Wikipedia – AL Petrol – Among so many businessmen in the world who have made their impacts through their business and knowledge. It is the stage that they have enrolled and hence they could make their country to be proud of.
There are many business owners that have taken a step into different categories and set up different industries so that they can take the services ahead.
Latif Kryeziu was known to be the other famous businessman who has passed away and the news was announced by the President of the Kosovo Business Association, Agim Shahini.
He stated that my friend will leave so quickly and we will never forget the deed for the company of Kosovo.
The company extended to the family and to the whole of Kosovo as your international partner, Shell Kosovo.
And he started to let the land of Kosovo be easy for you.
Latif Kryeziu was the founder of the oil company AL petrol, which later and become the prestigious company SHELL. Latif Kryeziu Wikipedia
It was also reported that the workers of the company were left unpaid, what was the reason behind this so this was due to the company revenue.
Since the company was under poor performance in the last and the beginning of the year.
They were also seen that AI petrol was in the financial crisis.
Be that as it may, nobody is taking the mental fortitude to request their wages inspired by a paranoid fear of being terminated.
Gazeta Fjala has mentioned answers from the authorities of the organization “AL Petrol”, with respect to the claims raised yet they have not reacted to Gazeta’s enthusiasm in regard to this issue.
Infringement of laborers’ privileges and non-execution of work law by this organization have been accounted for persistently, and even the association has distinguished situations where pioneers have abused representatives.
Azemi: Behind this organization are individuals of legislative issues
The Private Sector Union of Kosovo is additionally educated about the infringement of the privileges of Al Petrol workers. Latif Kryeziu Wikipedia
Jusuf Azemi, leader of this association, told Gazeta Fjala that on Thursday he was by and by intrigued by this issue at a few service stations and that the laborers had affirmed that they had not gotten compensation for a quarter of a year.
The report came so demise that he was dead and everyone was shocked.
There were also report few months a ago that said Kryeziu undermined Kabashi through a message on “Whatsapp” where he said, “you will lament this”.
Kryeziu then alongside someone else went to Kabashi’s home in Rahovec, where they further constrained Kabashis guardians. Latif Kryeziu Wikipedia
As per Reporter, this danger happened because of the distribution of the article “SHELL Gas Stations Kosovo don’t sell subsidiaries of the Dutch mammoth SHELL”.
This case is very genuine and represents a hazardous danger to media opportunity and the physical respectability of writers.
In addition, it is incredibly stressful and inadmissible for AJK that this danger has stretched out to relatives too, for which the legal framework should make a quick move.
So there can be the case that happens at any time.
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